In this era of high stakes testing, reading is still the key to success. Simply put, the more children read, the more successful they will be with the new Common Core assessments. Naturally, the foundation for reading success starts at home.
Generally, children learn by imitating their parents – they watch our every move as they learn to make their way through this very complex world.
If children see that their parents are interested and value reading, then they will make books a significant part of their lives. For this to occur, parents need to model reading practices, and of course, set the tone by reading to their children each day. Reading experts strongly suggest that parents continue reading to their children even after they are able to read independently. In addition to the time parents and children spend reading together, children should be encouraged to read at least 15 minutes a day independently. Clearly, the new assessments are demanding, the solution to these onerous exams can be found in almost every home in America – a nice quiet reading nook. To learn more about this, please visit the American Reading at Home website