The Great Neck School District continues to enjoy a fairly consistent list of donations. Donations are given to scholarship funds, to individual school buildings, to school extra-curricular clubs and to the school district in general. All of the requests to donate to the Great Neck Public Schools must be approved at a Board of Education meeting. Recently, several more donations were considered and approved by the school board.
Several scholarship donations were accepted: The Fran Harman Award for Excellence in the Performing Arts, from Donald and Maria Kiley; The Harriet Miller Girls’ Empowerment Scholarship, from Randi Foster; The Lewis E. Love Memorial Teaching Award, from James and Barbara Wynne; The Jeff Sanders Memorial Award for Social Justice, from Arlette Sanders; the Jenny Spielman Scholarship Fund, from Neil Jeffrey Weissman and Touran Weissman, and from Jeremy Klein.
The Robotics Club at Great Neck South High School is often the recipient of very generous donations to enable the club to continue its amazing, award-winning work.; The Charles Schwab Corporation donated $2500 to the club “to offset some of the many costs associated with running a successful robotics program.
The Reach Out America Program donated $140 from combined contributors to the Parent-Child Home Program in memory of Naomi Feldheim. The donation is a combined gift of the following: Sandra Salat, Marge Raphael, Sybil Bank, Gladys Roth, Jean Demesquita and Susan Posen. The administration of the Parent-Child Home Program indicated that the funds would be “put to good use.”
The Great Neck South Middle School PTA donated several items: six Node chairs with a swivel base and a tablet stand for the library, and three display dividers for the auditorium. The total cost for the chairs is $1,706.28 and the cost of the dividers is $1,489.97. The PTA had indicated that they wished to donate this gift because the PTA “exists, in part, in order to help fund educational, charitable and philanthropic causes in our community.” The group explained that the chairs and the dividers would “further enhance the vision of allowing our school to function in a more collaborative way.”
Each time a donation was introduced, and then accepted and approved by the Board of Education, the administration expressed their appreciation.