
Lake Success Chabad Passover Food Drive

passoverThis Passover Clara Sarfati, a student at Great Neck North Middle School, was thinking about how she can help others in need during this holiday season. 

Clara got in touch with Chumy Ezagui at the Lake Success Chabad and together they organized a food drive to help others in need of assistance.

Clara posted videos on social media sights asking her friend to contribute. Word spread really fast as food contributions came pouring in to “Chaim’s Kitchen,” a food drive run by the Lake Success Chabad.

Food drive boxes were placed around Great Neck. MC Dance & Fitness started their classes asking all members to participate in this good cause. The entire community gave generously, and the food boxes were filled quickly.

All the food was divided and packed in packages and distributed to senior citizens and families in need.

For more info on Chaim’s Kitchen, please visit www.myJLE.com