
Tax Cut In Roslyn Estates

schoolAs the Roslyn School District gears up for its big vote on the 2014-2015 budget, villages in the Roslyn area have quietly approved their own budgets, showing the fiscal prudence that has marked their behavior for years.

The Village of Roslyn Estates’ budget, for instance, not only held the line on spending, it also achieved a 3.2-percent reduction in the village’s tax rate.

Spending in the Roslyn Estates budget amounts to $1,480,538 with the bulk of the spending in the usual places: Fire services, street maintenance and refuse collection. Up to $85,000 is for principal on the Debt Service of the budget. Village Hall expenses and those in the Village General segment of the budget were kept to the minimum.

The village hopes to collect $1,058,770 from real estate taxes, plus $95,000 in permits and $80,000 in highway aid to balance the books.

But the real story is the tax reduction.

“I am very proud to announce that the 2014/2015 budget was approved…reflecting an overall 3.2 percent reduction in the village’s tax rate,” said Mayor Jeffrey Schwartzberg. “Our village had not seen a tax rate reduction in 37 years. Although the actual tax levy went down approximately 1.4 percent, we anticipate that over 95 percent of our property owners will see at least a 3.2 percent decrease in their village tax bills, which will be distributed later this month.

“This was achieved while providing our residents improved village services, enhanced village beautification, and making provisions for future capital projects that will, most certainly, be needed as we move forward,” the mayor continued. “A number of factors contributed to this successful result including the dedicated efforts of the village’s elected officials, the implementation of constructive suggestions that we invite from our residents, an improved economy, money received from external sources, and long term debt that we were able to retire this past year.

“Overall, the year-over-year budget will increase by 7.7 percent without any increase in taxes to anyone in our community,” the mayor concluded. “That said, we are always striving to find more efficient ways to continue providing our residents with the best services available anywhere.”

Meanwhile, the Village of Roslyn Board of Trustees has approved a 2014-2015 budget that spends less than the previous year’s document. Total spending is $4,436,073, down from $4,450,621 in the 2013-2014 budget.
Spending reductions were achieved in the General Government Support segment of the budget, where nearly $100,00 in savings was found, mostly from the tax certiorari expenditures. The General Fund segment also saw a $10,408 decrease in spending. Meanwhile, spending increases in Public Safety, Transportation and Home & Community were, as usual, at a minimum.

The village expects less revenue from real property taxes, but more from meters fines.