
Educational Tech At Shelter Rock

techSenator Jack Martins (R-Seventh Senate District) recently visited the Albertson-based Shelter Rock Public Library to view new educational technology. Martins secured state funding for the library to purchase the technology.

The library used the state funding to purchase new iPads for the children’s department. It also enabled the library to purchase additional e-readers and e-books for patrons to use, along with a mobile app to make it easier for residents to access library services. New iPads and laptops will also be purchased for use with the Library’s Teen Tech Tutoring program this fall.

“Digital technologies have had a significant impact on libraries. The rising popularity of e-books, e-readers and mobile devices has transformed patrons’ reading habits and created an opportunity for libraries to expand their service model. We are grateful for Senator Martins’ support for libraries and for the funding that allows the Shelter Rock Public Library to better serve its patrons,” said Shelter Rock Public Library Director Andrea Meluskey.