Eighteen students from North Middle and North High Schools won top awards at the Al Kalfus Long Island Math Fair, held at Hofstra University.
North High Winners
Gold Medal winners and their topics: tenth-grader August Chen, “The finiteness of infinite sums”; and ninth-graders Nicholas Calto, “The Manipulation of the Parametric Equations of a Torus,” and Shijing (Joe) Liu, “Exploring Fractal Dimensions in Taproot Systems by Using ImageJ with the Box Counting Method.”
Silver Medal winners are all ninth-graders: Patrick Gao, “Manipulation of Bezier Curves”; Lauren Goldsamt, “Paradoxes in Probability”; Julia Prager-Hessel, “The Double Bubble Conjecture”; and Aaron Young, “Stella SIR modeling.”
Bronze Medal winners are all ninth-graders: Julia Goldsamt, “Angular Momentum and Gyroscopes”; Sidonya Hakimi, “One Point Perspective: Looking into the Slope Aspect of Art”; Weiyin (Mimi) Jiao, “Illustrating Arms Through Proportions”; Victoria Liu, “Supply and Demand: Simplified Derivation”; and Caitlin Yam, “3-D Tic-Tac-Toe.”
North High Math Fair faculty advisers were science research teachers Alan Schorn and Dr. Marie van Nieuwenhuizen.
North Middle Winners
Seventh-grader Yoel Hawa earned a Gold Medal for “Pi: From Then to Now.”
Silver Medal winners were seventh-grader Joshua Rothbaum, “Imaginary and Complex Numbers”; and eighth-grader Amy Shteyman, “The Mathematics of Music.”
Bronze Medal winners were seventh-graders Michelle Goh, “Paradoxes and Their Resolutions,” and Sarah Tang, “The History of Algebra”; and eighth-grader Bradford Lin, “The History and Importance of Algebra.”
North Middle Math Fair faculty adviser was science teacher Paul Roach.
In preparation for Math Fair, students do extensive research and write papers on an advanced mathematical topic. Entrants defend and explain their research before a panel of judges who are typically teachers, college professors, or professionals in math-related fields.
Congratulations to all.
— From Great Neck School District