
L.I. Arts Center Wins $30,000 Grant Challenge

The Gold Coast Arts Center has announced that its previously reported challenge grant goal posed by the Harvey and Gloria Kaylie Foundation—which stated that if the center could raise $30,000 by June 15, the foundation would match it—has been achieved and surpassed.

A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, the Gold Coast Arts Center has been concerned that its widely successful “ARTreach” program is in danger of being cut back due to budgetary constraints, which would affect hundreds of students from around Long Island who currently benefit from the program.

With this fact in mind, the Kaylies, who are philanthropists committed to education and other causes that create a strong community, decided to offer this incentive. Mr. Kaylie was quite impressed with the work that the Gold Coast Arts Center has been doing over the last 20 years in the areas of arts and education. This is the first challenge grant the Gold Coast Arts Center has ever received.

“We are extremely pleased and grateful to our donors who rose to the challenge, and so grateful to the Kaylies for their encouragement and investment in our work” said Regina Gil, founder and Executive Director of the Gold Coast Arts Center, “We have received donations, both small and large…one boy even gave us a quarter. We were excited to actually raise more than the challenge grant funds which should demonstrate to Mr. Kaylie and future funders that we have proven our worth to the region. People do care about the future of the arts and education in their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren”.

Contributions can still be made by calling 516-829-2570 and paying by credit card; writing a check to “Gold Coast Arts Center, 113 Middle Neck Road, Great Neck, NY 11021 attn: Challenge grant; or by logging onto their website at www.goldcoastarts.org/support or clicking on “Support the Arts” when they get to the website.