
School Donations Keep Coming

SchoolDonate_062014AGreat Neck School District scholarship funds have begun to attract more and more donations. The list keeps growing and donations are announced, and approved, at Board of Education public action meetings. The Stefan Adelipour for Life Foundation Scholarship Fund received a significant donation from Soheila Adelipour. Several donations to the Lewis E. Love Memorial Teaching Award were made by: Andrew and James Makowka, Kennth and Linda Behar, Martin Frankel, Carl and Jessica Bender and Heather Kupersztoch. The Denis Dallal Memorial Scholarship received a donation from David Khani and Nava Goghari. The Great Neck South High School PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) donated $100 to the Fran Harman Award for Excellence in the Performing Arts. The Technology Department Michael Mead Automotive Award received a donation from Barbara Mead. The Randolph Ross Spirit Award Scholarship Fund received a donation from Randolph Ross and Mary-Anne Ross. The William and Francoise Barstow Foundation No.1 made a donation to the Fredric Duclos Barstow Scholarships. The Dennis Young Memorial Scholarship received a donation from Susan Babkes. Andrew Bloomfield donated to the Jeff Sanders Memorial Award For Social Justice. General Mills donated $431.67 on behalf of the Lakeville Elementary School parents who participated in the General Mills “Box Tops for Education” program. The administration of the Lakeville School indicated that this donation would be very much appreciated. Joyce Cheung and James Li donated $1,500 to the school district for the purchase of a tournament-qualifying table in support of the Great Neck North High School Table Tennis Club.