
Remembering Sacrifices Made For Freedom

The Life Enrichment Center at Oyster Bay invited American Legionnaires and members of the VFW to a luncheon held on Friday, May 23, prior to Memorial Day.


“They usually invite us to lunch in honor of Memorial Day, but this year they will also invite us for Veteran’s Day,” said American Legion Commander Reginald Butt, Jr., of Quentin Roosevelt Post #4.


Also attending were members of VFW Post 8033. Longtime American Legion Auxiliary member Palma Monaco Douglass read the prayer. 


“We are gathered here at this time to pay tribute to the memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice,” Douglass read. “Thus we do immortalize the brave deeds of our soldiers, sailors and Marines who have given their lives on land, on sea and in air; and all who have gone from our home and hearts into the service of our country. The highest tribute this organization can render these men and women the most profound respect all of us can demonstrate is to apply to our lives the strong faith and understanding courage which was theirs. Grant to them patience in the long wait, hope in the dark, steadiness in victory and loyalty in defeat. We thank thee for the unselfish devotion of those who have sacrificed their lives that we might enjoy the liberties for which our forefathers fought.”