
The School Year Begins

As we approach the upcoming school year, we will be celebrating the 86th year of instruction in the Sewanhaka Central High School District. Before our students arrive in September, our professional staff will return on Aug. 27 and 28 for our opening day program, during which we will welcome new and returning faculty and staff. We also will honor our Teachers of the Year and employees who have been with the district for 25 years or more. Our goal continues to be to ensure that each child is provided with an education designed to meet his or her needs.  We believe that our professional staff is instrumental in providing for this success.  

There have been several capital projects that are underway and the goal remains to complete these projects prior to the beginning of the school year. The New Hyde Park Memorial High School gymnasium has been painted and a new ceiling has been installed. As a result, this facility is now one that is in the condition that our students deserve. At Elmont Memorial High School, a new elevator will be installed prior to the opening of the school year.

A section of the roof at Sewanhaka High School was repaired and a new gymnasium floor is being installed.  The gymnasium floors at Floral Park Memorial High School have been refinished and a donated concession stand was refurbished by the students in the district’s construction trades program and by the Floral Park Memorial custodial/maintenance staff. Plans are also moving forward regarding the elevator replacement at H. Frank Carey High School. The plans will be submitted to the State Department of Education during the fall and the replacement will be completed by the beginning of the 2015 school year.

The Board of Education has continued its work regarding the successful bond referendum that was passed last May. The construction management firm that will assist in overseeing the projects will be appointed in early September and the work will be initiated at the Alva T. Stanforth athletic facility on Hempstead Turnpike during the early fall.  A ground breaking ceremony has been scheduled for Sept. 17 at 6:30 p.m. Please look for further details regarding this event on the district website.

The next phase of the project will be initiated during the spring of 2015 to include the installation of the synthetic fields at all five high schools, new roofs at each high school and asbestos abatement during the summer months. The district website will feature a section that will keep you updated regarding the progress of the work.

I hope that you and your family members enjoy the remainder of the summer and begin to plan appropriately for the upcoming school year.  In the near future, the fall athletic teams will begin their preparations, the marching bands will initiate rehearsals and the building administrations will complete the scheduling process in preparation for September.  This time of year is always filled with anticipation and excitement and we are all certainly looking forward toward working with your children during the 2014-15 school year.

The district is also working toward two additional initiatives. First, the Board of Education will be analyzing proposals that were submitted under energy performance contracts that may reduce the amount of funds that will be bonded to complete some of the work that was proposed within the approved bond referendum. Next, through working with Cenergistic, the district will be aggressively educating the entire staff in order to emphasize the reduction of energy consumption through conservation approaches.

The goals for both initiatives are to significantly reduce energy use within the district without sacrificing comfort of students and staff, and reduce the funds under the operating budget that are dedicated toward district utilities in order to make every effort to maintain student programs in the future.