
Middle School Welcomes Sixth-Graders

Students who graduated from the Hicksville School District’s six elementary schools in June were welcomed with open arms by Hicksville Middle School at its recent orientation.

The students came to school with their parents and received their schedules, agendas and words of encouragement from Principal Mara Jorisch.

Students were divided into three teams and the district’s code of conduct and expectations for the new school year were discussed as they eagerly awaited their schedules. They also took a tour of their new school along with their parents to locate their classrooms and become familiar with their new school.

Jorisch told them it’s the job of every teacher in the building to make children feel safe and comfortable, and encouraged students to ask for help whenever they need it. She also advised that students should take advantage of all the middle school has to offer, get involved and try their best in order to reach their potential.

 “Even if you don’t come up to us, we will come up to you and ask you if you need help,” Jorisch said. “We will make you feel as though the middle school is as small as your elementary school.”

— From the Hicksville School District