
District Finalizes School Projects

The Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District (POB) Facilities Upgrades and Improvements Advisory Committee presented their final recommendations for projects to be included in this year’s bond referendum at the Board of Education’s Sept. 29 meeting. The report details facility upgrades for each school building.

“Each item included in the final list of improvement projects was specifically selected by the committee as a result of careful deliberation which included information garnered during building tours, public feedback and suggestions by the district’s architects and engineers,” said Plainview-Old Bethpage School District Superintendent Dr. Lorna Lewis. “The proposed upgrades will allow our students to thrive in a more efficient educational environment and increase the safety levels in all our buildings.”

Members of the advisory committee include community residents, school administrators, faculty, Parent Teacher Association representatives and representatives from the district’s architectural firm, BBS Architecture. Installation of additional security cameras, upgrades to door hardware to allow teachers to lock classroom doors from the inside, fire alarm system upgrades and accessibility improvements in conjunction with the American Disability Act are some of the improvements the committee has included in their report to increase building security.

Other prioritized facility upgrades include replacement of original windows to a more energy efficient model; replacement of original ceiling in classrooms; lighting efficiency projects; replacing roofs that are out of warranty; and interior and exterior masonry work.

District-wide electrical upgrades, heating and ventilation repairs and upgrades, large group instructional spaces and auditorium reconstruction and the creation of an information technology infrastructure are additional recommendations the committee made to the Board.

For more information regarding proposed facility improvements and the upcoming bond vote, visit www.pobschools.org.