Floral Park Memorial PTSA Fall Fest Fundraiser
Friday, November 21
Buy A Meal, Wag A Tail
Saturday, November 22
Hanging of the Greens and Potluck Luncheon
Sunday, November 23
Wednesday, November 19
Sewanhaka Central High School District will hold its board of education meeting on Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. at Sewanhaka High School.
Thursday, November 20
South Floral Park Civic Association will meet on Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. at village hall, 383 Roquette Ave. Call Anthony at 516-775-9345 for information.
North End Civic meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 20 at 7:30 p.m. at Reliance Fire House.
Hillcrest Civic Association meeting will be held on Nov. 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Floral Park Recreation/Pool Building.
Friday, November 21
Floral Park Memorial PTSA will hold its Fall Fest Fundraiser on Friday, Nov. 21 from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. at Franklin Caterers, 20 New Hyde Park Rd. in Franklin Square. Adults only. Tickets are $50 per person and include free beer and wine tastings, dancing, live music. Email Lisa at lotod0815@aol.com or Jody at jfiloso@verizon.net for tickets and information.
Saturday, November 22
Buy A Meal, Wag A Tail, help Rock & Rawhide and Jo-Mar Grooming and Boarding feed shelter animals this holiday season. Donate pet food, toys and bedding until Nov. 30, with a chance at winning a raffle with each donation. On Nov. 22 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. stop by Jo-Mar at 1 Covert Ave. to meet adoptable shelter dogs, with a special appearance by “Prince of Rescue Media” Baby Howard the Bulldog.
Sunday, November 23
Floral Park United Methodist Church Hanging of the Greens and Potluck Luncheon on Nov. 23 at the church at 35 Verbena Ave. in Floral Park.
Tuesday, November 25
The Town of Hempstead will hold its regular board meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion, Hempstead Town Hall, 1 Washington St. in Hempstead. Agendas post the town’s website on the Friday before the meeting date. Visit www.toh.li for more information.
The United Veterans Organization (UVO) and Nassau County will host their semi-annual Veterans Stand Down on Tuesday, Nov. 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Freeport Armory, located at 63 Babylon Tpke. in Freeport. The Stand Down provides veterans with assistance in securing entitled benefits, job counseling and legal advice. Clothes and food donated from the community will be available to the veterans, as well as haircuts, medical screening and enrollment in the VA health care system. Representatives from Nassau County agencies will be participating, including the Departments of Social Services, Health, and Human Services. The Salvation Army, State Department of Labor, Department of Veterans Affairs, State Division of Veterans Affairs and the Red Cross will also participate in the Stand Down. For information, contact the Nassau County Veterans Service Agency at 516-572-6565.
Wednesday, November 26
United Methodist Church, at 35 Verbena Ave, Floral Park, will hold Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on Nov. 26 at 7:30 p.m. Open to the public.