Special Thanks To The American Legion
For Their Veteran’s Day Services
Special thanks to the William Bradford Turner Post of the American Legion of Garden City for conducting the annual Veteran’s Day ceremony on Nov. 11. We appreciate all that they do to honor and remember those men and women who have served in our armed forces in support of our country. I would like to also thank the Boy Scouts for displaying the American Flags along Seventh Street. It was so nice to see everyone on Monday to honor the veterans for their service to our country.
Inside Garden City
I was recently contacted by Juli Corrigan who interviewed me for her website, www.InsideGardenCity.com This wonderful website is dedicated to all things Garden City with a New York City twist. It is an outlet to chronicle her adventures, likes, dislikes and all that goes with it as she explores the local, chic attractions that Garden City has to offer with her own personal eclectic spin.
Please take the time to view this website www.InsideGardenCity.com Next week the interview that she did with me will be included on the website. I hope that you find it enjoyable and that you will look at the website from time to time.
Annual Turkey Trot
The Garden City Turkey Trot Race Committee, will conduct its 37th annual Merrill Lynch Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 27. You can register on-line at www.gcturkeytrot.com. You can also register the day of the race from 8 to 9:15 a.m.
The race will form at the St. Paul’s School with the 1.4 Mile Fun Run beginning at 9:15 a.m. and the 5-mile run scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. The route of the 5-mile race will be as follows: Starting on Stewart Avenue in front of St. Paul’s east to Cherry Valley Avenue continuing south on Rockaway Avenue, west onto First Street onto Cambridge Avenue, north on Whitehall Boulevard, continuing east onto South Avenue to Cherry Valley Avenue back to Stewart Avenue, then west onto Stewart Avenue past St. Paul’s and north on Hampton Road – the final lap will be continuing south on Rockaway to the finishing line at St. Paul’s.
The Garden City Turkey Trot Race Committee is conducting this race to benefit Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Muscular Dystrophy Association and The INN. Please support the Turkey Trot Food Drive and bring non-perishable food to the race to help feed the hungry. I do hope to see you all there on that day.
Police Department News
Each week in this column I will be including information from Commissioner Jackson of our police department. This week he has asked that I include the following.
Leaving The Scene Of Auto Accidents
The police department reports a rising trend of vehicles leaving the scene of auto accidents. Motorists are advised that per the Vehicle and Traffic Law of New York State, it is their responsibility to remain at the scene of an accident to await the arrival of a police officer and/or exchange pertinent information with the drive or owner of the other vehicle or property. Persons who violate this law are subject to arrest and may be charged with anywhere from a violation to a “D” Felony, dependent on the severity of the accident and will be subject to substantial fines and/or imprisonment. The police department strictly enforces this law.
Larceny From Parked Vehicles
There have been numerous reports of larceny from vehicles parked in the vicinity of health and sports clubs throughout Nassau County. Persons who frequent these facilities tend to leave valuable property in their vehicles while working out. Thieves are aware of this activity. Persons who frequent these facilities are encouraged to lock their vehicles, remove all valuables from public view and use lockers inside the facilities.
Board Of Trustees Meetings
The next regularly scheduled board of trustees meeting for the month of November is on Nov. 20. I encourage all residents to attend board of trustees meetings.