Saint Aidan School seventh and eighth students recently joined with the Schechter School of Long Island’s middle school students and faculty for an Interfaith Service. Held in Monsignor Kirwin Hall, the morning service began with the Pledge of Allegiance and welcoming remarks from Eileen Oliver, Saint Aidan’s principal, followed by a scripture reading and lessons from Father Kevin Dillon and Avi Siegel, Jewish Life Coordinator at The Schechter School.
Saint Aidan’s Celestial Choir, directed by music teacher Helen Mochwart, and the Schechter School’s Choir, directed by Joan Cohen, performed hymns of praise and joyful songs. After a closing prayer, students and faculty socialized over juice and treats. The Schechter Upper School principal Ofra Hiltzik, expressed her thanks for this ongoing tradition of meeting as partners in faith-filled education.