
theFloralParkDispatch.com Calendar

John Lewis Childs School PTA Meeting

Thursday, March 5

West End Civic Association

Thursday, March 5

South Floral Park Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday, March 5

Wednesday, March 4

The Sewanhaka Central High School district’s Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA) meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 4, at Sewanhaka High School in the school’s library at 7:30 p.m.

The Bellerose-Floral Park chapter of Homemakers Council of Nassau County will hold its St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon on Wednesday, March 4 at noon at Christ Lutheran Church at Spooner St. and Plainfield Ave. in Floral Park. Cost is $25 per person. All are welcome to attend. Contact Tess Boyle at 516-488-3182 for information.

Thursday, March 5

John Lewis Childs School PTA meeting will be held at JLCS on Thursday, March 5, at 9 a.m.

The West End Civic Association will participate in a joint civic association meeting on Thursday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the recreation/pool building. At that time, the four civic associations will host the village candidates in advance of the village elections on March 18. All members are urged to attend, and ample opportunity will be available to talk to our mayor, two trustees, and village justice as to village matters and concerns.

The South Floral Park Board of Trustees will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, March 5, at 8 p.m. at 383 Roquette Ave.

Friday, March 6

The African Atlantic Genealogical Society meets on the first Fridays each month (Sept. through May), at the African American Museum, 110 N. Franklin St. in Hempstead. The next scheduled meeting will be held on Friday, March 6. Call Joysetta at 516-379-5466 for more information.

Saturday, March 7

The Junior Women’s Club of Bellerose will hold a blood drive on Saturday, March 7 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Bellerose Village Hall, 50 Superior Rd. in Bellerose Village. For information call Marie at 516-488-2666.

The Knights of Columbus present Tommy Sullivan of the Brooklyn Bridge at St. Anne’s auditorium, 35 Dartmouth St. in Garden City on Saturday, March 7, at 7 p.m. Cost is $45 per person and includes buffet dinner, soda, coffee and dessert. Proceeds support the Knights of Columbus charities. Visit www.118kofc.org or call 516-670-5632.

Sunday, March 8

FISH of Floral Park will hold its annual member-meet-member and membership drive on Sunday, March 8, at 2 p.m. at Floral Park United Methodist Church (use Violet Ave. entrance). Village Trustee Dr. Lynn Pombonyo will be the guest speaker, with introduction by Mayor Tom Tweedy. New members welcome. Light refreshments will be served.

Monday, March 9

The Floral Park-Bellerose School District BOE meeting will be held on Monday, March 9 at John Lewis Childs School at 8 p.m.

Tuesday, March 10

The Floral Park Memorial High Schools’ PTSA meeting will be held on March 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the high school.

Floral Park-Bellerose School PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 10 at Floral Park-Bellerose School at 9:15 a.m.

Thursday, March 12

Heart For Fashion 2 will be held on March 12 at Floral Park Memorial High School.

Upcoming Events

Town of Hempstead’s e-cycling event will be held on Saturday, March 14, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at town parking lot L2 on Division Avenue in Levittown. For program information and collection restrictions call 516-378-2200.

OLV’s Tom Hayden 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament will be held on Saturday, March 14, at 9 a.m. in the school’s gym. Goerge Bruns and Ray Fox will be honored this year. Cost is $200 per team, for players, ages 13 and older. For information visit www.olvfp.org or email Doug Hayden at dhayden@wrightinsurance.com for details.

AARP Floral Park Chapter 5224 will meet on March 16 at the Recreation Building at 1:30 p.m.

Bellerose Village Board of Trustees will hold a regular meeting on Monday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m. at village hall, 50 Superior Rd.

Election Day is March 18. Floral Park polls are open from noon to 9 p.m. Floral Park residents will vote at the recreation center. Bellerose Village and Stewart Manor residents will vote at their respective village halls. There are no expiring terms in South Floral Park this year.

The Floral Park Woman’s Club will hold it’s meeting on Wednesday, March 18 at the recreation center at 12:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. After the regular business meeting portion, the club will acknowledge the work being done by Operation Smile, an international organization dedicated to helping children with facial abnormalities. New members are always welcome. Call Edna at 516-354-8818.

The Village of Floral Park will hold its public meeting of the Board of Trustees on Thursday, March 19, at 8 p.m. at the village hall.

The Sewanhaka High School Spring Performance will be held on March 20 and 21.

Lions Club District 20-K2 Annual “Just 4 Women Expo” will be held on March 21 at the Floral Park Memorial High School from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.