
Shema Party At Beth Sholom


Shema_03414BOn Thursday, Feb. 12, the children, families and teachers at the Early Childhood Center of Temple Beth Sholom of Roslyn all participated in the annual PJ Shema Party. 

The festivities began with a pizza dinner followed by Rabbi Schlosberg teaching the preschoolers and their families about the Shema.

Shema_03415CThe Shema is a ritual prayer that is recited at least twice daily – once in the morning and once in the evening affirming a declaration of faith in one God. After learning how to “sign” the Shema, the children decorated a pillowcase with the Shema prayer on it. The evening continued with milk and cookies and a bedtime story read by their teachers.

“An event such as this one brings our families together socially and spiritually,” said Helayne Cohen. “It is our goal to provide a strong Judaic foundation to build upon which is made possible by our talented teaching and rabbinic staff.”