
What’s New This Year In The Schools

Mooney090215AAnother school year has commenced and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kathleen Mooney anticipates a great year.

Several administrative changes have already been reported: Chris Shields is the new principal at Weber, Pia Sanchez is the new principal at Salem and Jessica Borow Zuckerman is a new assistant principal at Weber.

Other staff changes include retirements. “There were 10 teacher retirements and two administrative retirements,” said Dr. Mooney.

“There are approximately 22 new teachers,” said Dr. Mooney. “These include replacements for retiring teachers, leave replacements and two new elementary classroom teachers. Two high school teacher positions were attritioned from the retirements.” These attritions are
in the art and English departments, according to Dr. Mooney.

Mooney0909215BThere have been multiple construction projects completed over the summer, according to Dr. Mooney. “The final phase of the Roof/ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Bond 2012-13 that includes HVAC work in Sousa, Guggenheim, Schreiber and Weber; nurses’ office renovations at Guggenheim and Sousa; bathroom renovations at Weber, Guggenheim and Schreiber; fire doors in Schreiber and Sousa corridors; and two roof sections at Schreiber. The roof sections are over the science wing and the old gymnasium,” said Dr. Mooney. “The steps to the front entrance of Weber have been repaired.”

Several curriculum changes will be implemented this year. According to Dr. Mooney, “We will be implementing the new social studies framework in grades kindergarten through eighth. There will be the new Algebra II/Trigonometry Regents exam.”

In January 2016, “possibly the new SED science standards will be adopted by the Board of Regents,” said Dr. Mooney. No changes will be made to the Common Core standards at this time.”

The overall number of students in the school district is similar to last year, and final numbers will be available once school starts, as some students leave the district without telling the school or register up until the day school starts.