
Annual County Veterans Day Parade Nov. 7

Nassau County Legion Officers Bill Ost and Steve McManus in the county’s inaugural parade in Levittown. (Photo by Christy Hinko)
Nassau County Legion Officers Bill Ost and Steve McManus in the county’s inaugural parade in Levittown.
(Photo by Christy Hinko)

The Annual Nassau County Veterans Day Parade will take place on Saturday, Nov. 7. This year’s event includes a special tribute to all veterans who served during the Korean War, including former Nassau County Veterans Agency Director Joseph Pascarella who will be posthumously honored for the years of service in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean War.

County Executive Ed Mangano said, “I invite residents to join us at the parade as we thank our veterans, wave American flags along the parade route and celebrate the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces who served to protect our freedoms and democracy.”

The parade kicks off at 10 a.m. (assemble at 9:30 a.m.) at the LIRR commuter parking lot on Union Avenue in Westbury, ending at 373 Maple Ave., Westbury. Light refreshments will be served following the parade at the Cpl. James F. Walsh VFW Post #945 at 403 Maple Ave.

The Annual Veterans Day Parade will include a convoy of military trucks and tanks, the American Legion County and Post, VFW County and Post, Korean War Veterans, Vietnam War Veterans, Catholic War Veterans, Jewish War Veterans and more. All veterans groups, auxiliary units and Color Guards are invited to participate in the parade. Call 516-572-6565 for details.