
St. Stephen’s Youth Group And Scouts Help Habitat For Humanity

St. Stephen’s Youth Group and Port Washington Girl Scout Troop 411 teamed up in a community service project to provide lunch for Habitat for Humanity Nassau County workers in Freeport.SPREADSTORY021716B copy

The group met at the Habitat for Humanity warehouse in Freeport, where volunteers also included students from Hofstra University’s Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter, who dedicate their time every week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Their current project is a Net Zero house and the volunteers were laying out material for the frame. Net Zero means the home is capable of producing as much energy over a year as it will need to supply the home’s energy needs.

The Youth Group and Girl Scouts were shown a design layout for the house, materials that were donated and the unique cotton insulation made from recycled jeans. Habitat volunteers need to be at least 16 years of age, so donating and delivering lunch to the workers was something the two groups could do to help support the project.SPREADSTORY021716C copy