
Freelander Lecture At Temple Sinai


Daniel_030416AOn Tuesday, March 15, at 7:30 p.m., Temple Sinai of Roslyn will host a talk by Daniel Freelander who will discuss European anti-Semitism. Freelander is president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ).

Murder at the Jewish Museum in Brussels; attacks on Jews in Paris; swastikas painted crudely on buildings. These are among the shocking news items that fill current headlines from European cities. What do these incidents portend for Jews who live on the continent?

Previously the senior vice president for Reform Judaism, Freelander is well known as a lecturer on trends in Reform Jewish life.

All are welcome. Suggestion donation is $10 for non-members.

Temple Sinai of Roslyn is at 425 Roslyn Rd. For more information, contact Ethel Liebeskind at 516-621-6800 or visit the website at www.mysinai.org.