
Crew 130 Visits Sterling Hill Mine

Venturing Crew 130 recently visited the Sterling Hill Mining Museum in Ogdensburg, NJ. About 91 of the minerals found in this mine fluoresce. Throughout the tour, black light was shown on the rocks to show how the minerals there glow.

Each venturer was given a sample to take home. The crew also took advantage of some local geocaching along the way. The crew camped in a cabin at Camp Winnebago in nearby Rockaway, NJ. They also took a morning two-and-a-half-mile hike around the camp’s Durham Pond.

w president David F., vice president Stephen, secretary Carl, Lucas and David B. are pictured in front of the Mining Museum before the tour.

—Submitted by Noelle Bloom VenturingCrew_041316B VenturingCrew_041316C