
Name Change At Preserve

The Friends of the Sands Point Preserve has changed its name to the Sands Point Preserve Conservancy. Along with the new name, the organization has announced new leadership and a new website. The name change reflects a new direction for the organization, as it expands programs across the arts, education and services while continuing to maintain and improve the 216-acre public park. The new leadership of the Conservancy, a nonprofit organization, includes Managing Director Beth Horn and Facilities Director Lou DiPadova.

Hempstead House, the 50,000-square-foot mansion at Sands Point Preserve, exemplifies Gatsby-era opulence.
Hempstead House, the 50,000-square-foot mansion at Sands Point Preserve, exemplifies Gatsby-era opulence.

“I hold a BA from Duke University, a MFA from Columbia University and a post-graduate term at Oxford University in England,” said Horn. “After working on Broadway for the Royal Shakespeare Company and on many of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s musicals, I moved to PBS Thirteen/WNET. A former ballet dancer, I was the series producer for Dancing on PBS, a documentary series on dance in world culture; culture and arts producer for Charlie Rose; editorial director for “City Arts,” a weekly series on the arts in NYC; assistant director of Public Information at the Museum of Modern Art. I produced the World Festival 2014 for the Port Library. I served as director of development for the Landmark and communications director for the Sands Point Preserve.”

The Conservancy is expanding all areas of programming in music, dance, theater, education and fitness. “Our new name conveys our role more accurately: the Conservancy is responsible for setting goals for the estate; maintaining and operating the buildings and grounds; creating relevant programming, as well as fundraising so that we can accomplish our objectives,” said Horn. “We hope the Preserve can serve as a resource for every member of the community, and we believe this will happen as more people experience all that is happening here now.”

Go to www.sandspoint
preserveconservancy.org for more information.