
Obtaining Absentee Ballots For School District Voting

voteWEBQualified resident voters of the Great Neck Public School District may obtain applications for absentee ballots for the May 17 school district election from the district website at www.greatneck.k12.ny.us by clicking on Budget in the left-hand column, then choose Absentee Ballot. Absentee ballots are also available from the Office of the District Clerk, Great Neck Public Schools, Phipps Administration Building, 345 Lakeville Rd., on school days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Absentee ballots are automatically sent to residents who are qualified voters and whose registration records have been marked as permanently disabled by the board of elections.

Completed absentee ballots from approved applicants must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17. For more information, call the District Clerk at 516-441-4020.