Residents For a More Beautiful Port Washington teamed up with Manorhaven Elementary School on Earth Day, April 22, to kick off a new Get Your Green On pledge campaign.
A morning assembly that focused on the harmful effects of global warming featured faculty portraying a mother polar bear and her cub, Mother Nature, Earth and the evil Carbon. Student Green Team leaders read pledges from the Get Your Green On pledge coupon book that each student received at the conclusion of the assembly.
Students choose from one or more of the pledges (such as using reusable water bottles instead of plastic disposable ones) they commit to following for a full year. Pledge coupons will be deposited into a box in the main office and a banner in the main hallway will track the success of the pledges throughout the year.
Residents wishes to thank Manorhaven School Principal Bonni Cohen, the faculty and other staff, student Green Team Leaders, as well as Cool the Earth, Inc., for providing the clever and educational assembly script.
This and other environmental education programs organized by PW Residents are funded by a generous grant from the Angela & Scott Jaggar Foundation. For information about the programs and other initiatives Residents conducts to help beautify Port Washington in so many ways, visit