
Sewanhaka Jr. High Mathletes ‘Solve’ The Day


Mathletes_051316In 2015, the Nassau County Junior Mathletes Program (nassaumathletes.org) ended. Facing this great loss, Sewanhaka Central High School District’s Junior High Mathlete advisers Valenica Butler, Lisa Clark, William Fanning, Vincent Maltese, Edna Messina and Ellen VanWie decided to take matters into their own hands. Together, they compiled and created questions for a yearlong competition among the district’s schools.

The culminating event, a contest and pizza party, recently took place at New Hyde Park Memorial High School. The Mathletes even made this event part of a fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House. Top teams and participants were announced and awarded trophies at an event that was greater than any other end-of-year event these junior mathematicians have seen.

—­Submitted by the Sewanhaka Central High School District