
Finn MacCool’s Fire

There was a fire over the weekend in the kitchen at Finn MacCool’s on Main Street. According to Fire Chief Brian Waterson of the Flower Hill Hose Company No. 1, “At about 12 a.m. on Sunday morning, there was a fire in the kitchen at Finn MacCool’s on Main Street, which spread to the ductwork. A total of about 100 firefighters were on scene from three departments, with five other departments sending trucks to cover the town during the fire. The fire was under control in 45 minutes and we were on scene for about two hours.”Finmaccools061516E FinnMaccools061516A Finnmaccools061516D

Finn MacCool’s was open at the time but there were no injuries, according to Chief Waterson.

According to Port resident Marc Bloomgarden, who was passing by Finn MacCool’s just after midnight
on Sunday morning, “There were flames coming out of the vent area
on the back roof of the kitchen of
Finn MacCool’s. “Many firefighters and firetrucks were there. They had
it under control.”

Finn MacCool’s is closed temporarily until repairs can be made.Finmaccools061516B Finmaccools061516C