
Unqua Teachers Place First In Jump Rope For Heart Campaign

Unqua Elementary School’s physical education teachers Michael Dellicurti and Melissa Osborne were recognized for coordinating their school’s highly successful Jump Rope for Heart campaign, an awareness and fundraising program that benefits the American Heart Association. Under their leadership, the school took first place for raising the most funds in Nassau County or nearly $34,000 in the 2015-16 school JumpRope_062916Ayear. The teachers were honored by the Nassau Zone of New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD) at its Professional Awards Ceremony at Adelphi University, June 13.  

Unqua has a long history as one of the top fundraising elementary schools in the area. In 2011 and 2014, the school placed second in the state. They also raised the most money on Long Island seven years in a row.

“We are honored to be recognized for coordinating this special event,” said Dellicurti and Osborne. “This campaign is a wonderful vehicle for instilling lifesaving lessons in our students. It teaches them the importance of including physical activity into their daily routines, how to lead healthy lifestyles and how to help others while doing it. We share this honor with all the students, parents and staff members who participated. This campaign is a success because of their generous support.”