
Summer Solstice Celebrated At Sewanhaka

Pictured from left: Suhana Choudhury, Maria Duran, Diego Garcia, Maya Budhram and Sukanya Raj. Front row from left: Martha Williams and Pablo Giraldo.
Pictured from left: Suhana Choudhury, Maria Duran, Diego Garcia, Maya Budhram and Sukanya Raj. Front row from left: Martha Williams and Pablo Giraldo.



Sewanhaka High School’s Green Club honored summer solstice with a bit of landscaping. Recently, a few green club officers, along with their club adviser Yvonne Sherwood, landscaped one of the school’s courtyards and the school’s reflection triangle, which honors victims and families of those lost in alcohol and drug-related car crashes.
—Submitted by the Sewanhaka Central High School District