Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel was a keynote speaker at the Jewish Community Relations Council’s (JCRC) annual Day of Remembrance in Nassau County to reflect and recognize the work of youth in creating a more civil society. At Hofstra University, the Student Center theater was filled to capacity for the JCRC event held in partnership with Nassau County’s State Senate Delegation and Nassau County’s State Assembly Delegation.
Schimel welcomed her colleagues in the state legislature, the parents and honored students to this remarkable event. Her speech began with a quote from Anne Frank, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart. Everybody has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!”
She noted that the students were nominated by their schools for projects including volunteering at nursing homes, the Ronald McDonald House, food pantries and soup kitchens; lobbying for women’s rights; working with orphans and the homeless; raising money for lifesaving surgery and wells in third-world countries; conducting drives to aid Hurricane Sandy victims; and teaching computer skills to seniors.
Rob Solomon, JCRC-LI’s chair, talked about how inspiring it was to be in a room with young adults who are committed to doing good deeds. The Long Island Chapter of the JCRC reaches out to educate and continue building relationships to help unite our communities.
Among the students honored were Julia Prager-Hessel from John L. Miller–Great Neck North High School, Lily Kimmel from William A. Shine Great Neck South High and Hayley Klein from North Shore Hebrew Academy.
Holocaust survivor Ruth Mermelstein was also honored. She shared her moving story of the horrors experienced by thousands of Jews in concentration camps during the Holocaust.
Rabbi Meir Feldman of Temple Beth-El of Great Neck recited the memorial prayer to remember
the six-million Jews killed in the Holocaust.