
Support Leiberman For Park Commissioner 

I have known Neil Leiberman for several years and am supporting him for park commissioner in the upcoming election. I urge you to vote for Neil on Dec. 13.

Neil is a longtime resident of Great Neck. He is passionate about our Park District, which is truly a local jewel, and wants to see our parks continue to thrive and provide excellent services to our community. Neil can be found in the parks throughout the year, whether it be swimming at Parkwood, attending concerts at Steppingstone, playing tennis or attending events at Great Neck House. No matter where he goes, Neil engages local residents to share his thoughts about how we can improve the district, and gets their feedback on both his ideas and other ways to improve and maintain services in the parks. Neil is committed to continuing his outreach to the community, seeking new ideas and engaging more individuals in the discussion.

Neil has been active at Park District meetings over the years, proposing multiple programs and services, many of which have been implemented. He continues to define new ideas, including new revenue streams, expanded programming throughout the year, and enhanced services, including more programs to support residents wellness needs year-round.

Please join me in supporting Neil Leiberman for Park District Commissioner.

—Susan Tribelli

Read “Meet The Park District Commissioner Candidates.”