
Support Neil Leiberman

Reading Neil Leiberman’s statement in your paper about why he wants to serve as a Great Neck parks commissioner has motivated this letter. I have known Neil for many years and know how eager he is to serve our community in that capacity.

He tells us he is “passionate about our parks.” That is what got me! He says he is running to preserve what we have, which is precious and irreplaceable, and promises to provide innovative programs and activities that serve our diverse community of seniors, teens, sports and entertainment enthusiasts, health seekers and environmentalists. He has pledged to do this while keeping taxes low and generating new sources of revenue. He brings a wealth of experience and skills, not just passion to the position. For 38 years, he was an educator in health and physical education in NYC. For 20 years, he was a guidance counselor. In 1996, he was NYC’s “Counselor of the Year. He has three masters in education, health and guidance. Neil doesn’t  just talk about sports, he swims, sails, plays tennis, kayaks, skis and more.

I particularly like his desire to work with the schools, the library and the art center to become inclusive of what we have to offer each other.

I’ll end with his words. “For more than two decades I have been engaged in park meetings, attending budget workshops and serving on advisory committees. This is the only elected office I have ever sought because I am committed to keeping our parks the best they can be.” I think we ought to give him a chance.

—Stanley Romaine

Read “Meet The Park District Commissioner Candidates.”