
Town Officials Remind Residents To Shop Locally


Assemblyman Joseph Saladino joined with Town of Oyster Bay Councilman Joe Pinto, Nassau Legislator James Kennedy, Town Clerk Jim Altadonna, Jr., and the Massapequa and Nassau County Chambers of Commerce to remind everyone to shshoplocally_121416aop locally during this holiday season.

The press conference hosted by the owners of Bayview Florist and Montage was held to instill to the public the importance of shopping at the stores of local merchants who support their local communities throughout the year. Bayview Florist and Montage, located on Sunrise Highway in Massapequa, is just one example of the many local stores throughout the community providing a myriad of holiday gifts.

Saladino and other officials stressed that supporting local businesses during the holiday season helps them thrive all year round. Individuals should not forget that it is the local merchants and businesses, not Internet companies, that support community groups from the Scouts to the little leagues to the PTAs.

Their message this holiday season is to remember to shop locally.