Members of the Sewanhaka Central High School District Board of Education (BOE) recognized the years of service of Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent Fred Raulli and longtime BOE trustee Jean Fichtl at a recent meeting.
Raulli, who has been with the district since 1997, retired on July 1. During his tenure, he served as hearing officer for school disciplinary matters, board designee for initial residency determinations, director of the Sewanhaka Evening High School, Adult Education and Virtual Academies, and many others.
Fichtl has been an active board member for 21 years. She was president of the BOE from 2006 to 2013 and took part in numerous school district committees and represented the district in many local and state conferences and conventions.
They were each given a Distinguished Service Resolution by the board of education and received praise and thanks from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ralph Ferrie.
“Fred has truly been an extremely positive asset to me the last few years,” said Ferrie. “And in terms of Mrs. Fichtl, she has always made decisions on what’s best for the students and the [school community].”
—Submitted by Sewhanhaka Board