Governor Andrew Cuomo recently called on SUNY and CUNY boards to provide in-state tuition to Puerto Rican and U.S. Virgin Island college student displaced by hurricanes Maria and Irma. The natural disasters left complete destruction in their paths, including the demolition of homes and business and many deaths.
“The Puerto Rican community is one of the most vibrant communities in New York, with over 1.1 million Puerto Ricans calling the Empire State home,” said Cuomo. “At the same time, more U.S. Virgin Islanders list their place of birth as New York than any other state in the nation. In the wake of Hurricanes Maria and Irma, New Yorkers stepped up for our brothers and sisters in need, and we remain committed to providing any assistance necessary to help those impacted by the devastation build back stronger and more resilient than ever before.”
Cuomo added that to ensure the young college students who have been displaced by the storms can continue their educations, the SUNY and CUNY boards have been asked to allow said students to attend the public colleges at the in-state tuition rate. In doing so, the burden placed upon the hurricane victims of their education will be lifted in order to attend to the more pressing issue of rebuilding their lives and homes.
“This is a major step forward for these communities, and demonstrates that amidst the devastation, New York will continue to ensure the bright light of opportunity shines on everyone,” said Cuomo. “When things are at their worst, New Yorkers are at their best, and we will continue to lend a hand to our friends, family and neighbors in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands on the long road to recovery.”
—Submitted by the office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo