
Chris Herren To Address Manhasset Students On Substance Abuse

Manhasset students have the opportunity this evening, Jan. 11, at 7:30 p.m. to hear an incredible story about a former athlete who had the world in his hand and watched it disappear by his hand as he slipped into the world of alcoholism and substance abuse.

This program is a must for every student regardless of whether they are athletes or not. Rebound: The Chris Herren story will be held at the Manhasset High School Auditorium.herren
A basketball legend from Fall River, Massachusetts, Chris Herren achieved his dream of excelling on the basketball court and playing for the Boston Celtics. However, this success was soon lost as he battled a dark descent into addiction.

To learn more about Chris Herren visit his website www.theherrenproject.org.

Families play an important role in healthy youth development and preventing youth substance use (e.g. alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, medication misuse, and other drug use). Youth substance use decreases when drugs are perceived as harmful. By sharing his story, Chris hopes to reach individuals and families to make a positive difference in their lives.