
Hundreds Support Raynham Hall Museum

Annual benefit auction raises money for scholarship program

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Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Claudia and Michael Taglich, Harriet Gerard Clark and John Collins.

An important part of Oyster Bay’s history will continue to thrive, thanks to the support of those who attended Raynham Hall Museum’s annual Valentine’s Benefit Auction recently at Old Westbury Golf and Country Club. More than 200 guests attended the event in honor of Michael and Claudia Taglich, who have lovingly restored their home, the former Trousdale residence, and have recently opened the restaurant 2 Spring, in partnership with Iron Chef Jesse Schenker in the hamlet of Oyster Bay.

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Alberto and Linda Cassola

“The turnout was slightly higher than in past years, and the money raised will help continue to educate the 5,000 children who tour the museum each year,” said the event’s co-chair Kristen Jones.

The museum holds the benefit annually in order to support its scholarship program, explained Jones, which covers admission and transportation costs to schools that cannot otherwise afford to visit Raynham Hall and learn about the history of the Revolution and Robert Townsend.

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Harriet Gerard Clark and Henry Clark

“We’re also looking forward to the expansion of the Education Center as we renovate the house next door,” said Jones.

The elegant evening presented guests with a silent auction with more than 75 lovely items and private dinners at homes in the area. The evening’s auctioneer was Peter Bahr, of Laurel Hollow, who warmed the crowd and got the bidding going. The live auction included a week’s stay in a Sag Harbor home, golf outings and romantic evenings at theater and musical performances.

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Mario and Kelly Grasso

Attendees had an extra treat this year, as dancing was brought back to the celebration. The evening was topped off with guests dancing the night away to music from the Eric Sami Band.

Raynham Hall is hosting several workshops this spring, including one on flower arrangements, another on watercolor painting and one on marbleized paper making.

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Ragnar and Laureen Knutsen

To register and to learn more about the museum and its programs, visit www.raynhamhallmuseum.org.

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