
Sephardic Heritage Alliance To Hold Biennial Gala

Sephardic Heritage Alliance, Inc. (SHAI) will hold a Biennial Gala on Wednesday, March 14, in the ballroom at Temple Israel of Great Neck to mark SHAI’s 26 years of service to the community.

The SHAI board will honor several individuals for professional achievement awards, as well as students deserving of special recognition. This year’s professional honorees include Franko Rahimi, founder of a nonprofit cancer research foundation; Lisa Daftari, a leading foreign investigative journalist on Fox News; and Pedram Tabibi, Esq., a social media law expert. 

Student honorees include emergency medical services volunteers at Vigilant Fire Company, as well as Shaina Bakhshi, Leila Eshaghpour, Julia Eshaghpour, Aaron Hakimi, Roger Hyman, Dylan Makani and Joseph Taied.

SHAI’s Gala will also feature comedic emcees Dan and Dave Ahdoot, a mentalist, an accomplished classical Persian pianist and a festive Nauruz (Persian New Year) theme.

For more information, visit www.shaiusa.org or call 855-SHAI-777.