
The Bearded And The Beautiful


sunglasses 2562647 1280The beard is at the height of its game. From scruffy to fluffy, men are taking more of an interest in their beards, including how they are maintained and styled. No longer satisfied with a razor and shave gel, there are a variety of creams, conditioners and oils to cater to every type of beard.

Check out these must-try products for your furry face.

Beards AScissors

Trimming and shaping a beard is key in facial hair maintenance 101. A good pair of scissors can help with that. Beardbrand steel scissors ($44.99 on www.beardbrand.com) feature a matte finish with gold accents and an ergonomically shaped handle for easy grasp. Trim your beard with sharp shears and achieve a clean look every time.

Beards EBeard Butter

This self-explanatory product’s sole purpose is to butter up your beard, hydrating it from chin to tip. Beard Guyz Beard Butter ($12.99 on www.beardguyz.com) is a lightweight, water-based moisturizer with a special “Grotein” blend that lends to fuller and thicker facial hair.

Beards BComb

Just like the hair on your head, your beard deserves a good comb too. The name Kent is synonymous with grooming. Established in Great Britain in 1777, Kent Men’s Handmade comb set ($20.95 on Amazon) gives the bearded man versatility when combing. Eliminate dust while releasing natural oils through combing with durable, natural cut teeth that won’t pull your hair.

Beards DJack Black Beard Oil

A must in any beard product arsenal is oil. It usually takes a while before a beard is at maximum fluff, so dealing with dry itchiness is going to get old fast. Jack Black Beard Oil ($25 on www.getjackblack.com) conditions facial hair and moisturizes the skin underneath, leaving behind a citrus scent and soft shine.

Beards CShampoo

Professor Fuzzworthy’s Beard Shampoo ($14.95 on Amazon) works just as well as it sounds. Designed as a small cubic bar of soap, this shampoo cleans the face and beard using premium natural and organic botanical ingredients from Tasmania. A favorite among beard enthusiasts, this product also helps beard growth and aids in shape due to leatherwood beeswax and honey.