At a recent town board meeting, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the town board approved an award to D.F. Stone for the construction of a new dog park at Michael J. Tully Park. Earlier this year, Nelson & Pope Engineers and Surveyors were awarded the contract to design the dog park. Construction on the project will begin once the contract has been signed and a construction schedule is established. The town’s goal is to move forward as quickly as possible.
The town board also established the creation of a North Hempstead Labor Advisory Board. The newly established board will provide the town board with expertise and experience in developing labor policy and legislation within the town. Members of the new board include: John Durso, president of Long Island Federation of Labor; Roger Clayman, executive director of Long Island Federation of Labor; Danny Grodotzke, business manager of Plumbers Local Union 200; Pat Dolan, president of Steamfitters Local 638; Nick LaMorte, Long Island Regional President of CSEA; Steve Flanagan, business manager of Laborersb66; Kevin Casey, business manager of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 25; and Scott Adrian, representative of International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 138.
The board also held a public hearing to discuss the demolition of two buildings at 19 State St. to create 108 additional parking spaces as well as a new law that would require paint used to cover graffiti be of the same or a similar color to the surface. The new law is intended to improve quality of life.
D.F. Stone was awarded the bid for the rehabilitation of the parking lot at Caemmerer Park in Albertson. The town also voted to extend the building moratorium for the Port Washington Waterfront Business District for two months, through Jan. 1, 2019.
A grant application with the National Endowment of the Arts’ for its Our Town grant to support transforming Town Dock into an attractive and interactive space, which will incorporate the area’s maritime heritage through the use of the arts was also approved by the town board. The application is for $83,750 (with a $83,750 monetary and in-kind services match).
The next town board meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 27 at 7 p.m. at Town Hall in Manhasset. For more information, call 311 or 516-869-6311 from outside the town.