
What’s Happening On The Peninsula From March 1 To 8

Friday, March 1

Preliminary School Budget

Copies of the 2019–20 preliminary budget will be available at the Office of the District Clerk, Phipps Administration Building, 345 Lakeville Rd., on schooldays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The budget is also posted at www.greatneck.k12.ny.us, will be available at budget meetings and reference copies may be perused in all public schools and all branches of the Great Neck Library .

Friday, March 1–
Sunday, March 3

Great Neck House Film

Leave No Trace will be shown on Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 5 and 8 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Admission requires a park card.

Saturday, March 2

Free Parenting Classes

Through ProHealth Parenting Lounge educational courses, join The Breastfeeding Experience from 9 to 11 a.m. for a prenatal breastfeeding class designed to prepare new moms for the first days and weeks of breastfeeding and The Newborn Experience from 12 to 2 p.m. for a prenatal class designed to support new parents in the first days at home at ProHealth Quad Cafe Conference Room, 1 Dakota Dr., First Floor, Lake Success. Registration is required at www.prohealthcare.com/parentinglounge.html.

Defensive Driving Class

Great Neck House offers Empire Safety Council Defensive Driving Classes on the first Saturday of every month from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; 516-482-0355.

CalendarA PolarPlunge3.2
Join supporters of Special Olympics New York who will be Freezin’ for a Reason on Saturday at the Town of North Hempstead Polar Plunge.

Polar Plunge for Special Olympics

Join hundreds of supporters of Special Olympics New York who will be Freezin’ for a Reason at the 15th annual Town of North Hempstead Polar Plunge at North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington. Registration will begin at 10 a.m. with the plunge at noon; www.polarplungeNY.org/northhempstead, 516-869-6311 or contact Rebecca Strickland at Special Olympics Long Island at 631-254-1465, ext. 203, or rstrickland@nyso.org.

Winter Swim Program

Session 3 of the Winter Swim program for children 3 and older will begin today and run through May 12 on Saturdays between 12 and 4 p.m. at the Great Neck North Middle School. Nonresident fee applies; 516-487-2975, ext. 112.

To Saturday, March 2

Prom Dress Collection

For the 11th year, Westy Self Storage at 2400 Marcus Ave. in Lake Success is a designated collection site for new and gently used prom, bridesmaid and special-occasion gowns, shoes, handbags and costume jewelry for the Prom Boutique sponsored by the Long Island Volunteer Center, which distributes free dresses and accessories to young women across Long Island who cannot easily afford prom, graduation, sweet sixteen or other significant occasion clothing. Donate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays or 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays; 516-327-5000 or www.westy.com.

Sunday, March 3

LS Jewish Center Event

Alan Freedman, director of the Jewish Sports Heritage Association, will speak at 10 a.m., following the 9 a.m. Learner’s Service and 9:30 a.m. breakfast, at Lake Success Jewish Center, 354 Lakeville Rd. RSVP to the free program at 516-466-0569 or office@lakesuccessjc.org.

CalendarB Sunday 40 3 The Clusters
The Clusters will perform on Sunday at 3 p.m.

Sunday @ 3 Concert

The Clusters will perform oldies and doo-wop hits from the ’50s through the ’80s at 3 p.m. at Great Neck House. A park card is required.




Monday, March 4

History of Persian Jews

On the 40th anniversary of the 1979 Iranian Revolution which led to the influx of Persian Jews to Great Neck, Sephardic Heritage Alliance Inc. (SHAI), a nonprofit dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of family values, invites the community to hear a free presentation by historian Dr. Saba Soomekh who will lecture and answer questions about The History of Persian Jews and What it Tells Us about the Future in the U.S. at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Beth Hadassah, 130 Steamboat Rd.; www.shaiusa.org.

Tuesday, March 5

Park District Meeting

The Great Neck Park District Board of Commissioners will hold a work session at 10 a.m. at Great Neck House, 14 Arrandale Ave.

Village Meeting

The Village of Great Neck public hearing regarding the proposed revitalization will continue at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall, 61 Baker Hill Rd.

Tuesday, March 5;
Thursday, March 7

Willy Wonka Performance

E.M. Baker School will present Willy Wonka, 7 p.m. at 69 Baker Hill Rd.; 516-441-4100.

Tuesday, March 5–
Thursday, March 7

Adult Learning Registration

Adults who want to learn English, improve language skills or earn a high school equivalency diploma can register for the Great Neck Public Schools Adult Learning Center classes for beginning literacy to advanced ENL (English as a New Language) or in preparation of the TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion, formerly known as GED) exam to improve math, reading, science, social studies and writing skills. Enrolled students may also take electives in Conversational English, Crossroads Café and Citizenship. Allow two hours to complete registration from 9 a.m. to noon and 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at 105 Clover Dr. The nonrefundable processing fee for classes is $50 for those who live or work in Great Neck, with proof of residency or employment; $100 for nonresidents. Payment can be made in cash, credit card or check or money order payable to Great Neck Public Schools; 516-441-4950 or www.greatneck.k12.ny.us/alc.

Thursday, March 7

Park District Meeting

The Great Neck Park District Board of Commissioners will hold a business meeting at 8 p.m. at Great Neck House, 14 Arrandale Ave.

To Friday, March 8

Call for Artists

The Art Guild invites all artists 14 and older to enter up to three works from abstract to realism in Go! The Art of Transportation, A Juried Competition and Exhibition. Register at www.theartguild.org. The exhibit will be on view from March 30 to April 28 on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m. or weekdays by appointment. An Artists’ Reception and Awards Ceremony will be held on Sunday, March 31, from 3 to 5 p.m.

Friday, March 8–
Sunday, March 10

Great Neck House Film

The Last Suit will be shown on Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 5 and 8 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Admission requires a park card.