
Reminder–Voting Deadline Is Tuesday, June 9

hicksvillepublicschoolsHicksville voters: Please remember-The deadline for receipt of the 2020-21 Hicksville Public School’s budget vote and trustee election absentee ballot is 5 p.m. on June 9. All ballots must be signed, mailed in the prepaid mailers and received by the deadline OR dropped at one of the secured drop boxes located at the District Office, 200 Division Ave.; at Hicksville Middle School’s Second Street side by the kitchen entrance; or at the front entrance of any of the district’s elementary schools.

Voters will see three Propositions are on the ballot: Proposition I: The 2020-21 School District Budget; Proposition II: A request to amend the voter-approved 2017-18 Capital Reserve Fund; and Proposition III: Support of The Gregory Museum.

Proposition I, the proposed 2020-21 school district budget, represents a budget-to-budget increase of 0.4 percent. By utilizing fund balance and reserves, the district has maintained a 1.45 percent increase in the tax levy while maintaining its outstanding educational program.

Proposition II on the ballot will allow the District to replace the high school roof & install the pool tile at NO ADDITIONAL COST to taxpayers by amending the voter-approved 2017-18 Capital Reserve Fund. Proposition II requires voter approval to utilize the surplus funds in this reserve.

Visit the district website at www.hicksvillepublicschools.org for complete budget information.

Submitted by the Hicksville Public School District