From July 8 through August 2, the Floral Park-Bellerose Union Free School District is hosting a Summer Enrichment Program for its students.
There are five programs that students may choose from, each one with various classes. One STEAM-focused program offers classes in edible sciences, coding, robotics, rocketry. There are also programs centered in sports and fitness, visual arts world languages and culture and performing arts.

The visual arts program includes fashion design, canvas painting and sculpting classes. World languages and culture courses include lessons on Spanish and Italian culture, as well as language courses.

Student signed up for one workshop per week. With the exception of the performing arts workshop, the programs were separated into two groups: grades K-2 and grades 3-6. Each workshop is offered twice, so students have a wide variety to choose from.
The Summer Enrichment Program is offered through SCOPE Educational Services. The program allows students to continue their learning experience throughout the summer.