Paige Dawson Knows Oyster Bay
Paige Dawson was the first person to call to correctly identify the mystery photograph in the Aug. 20 issue of the Enterprise Pilot. “It’s Planting Fields, the mansion. Oh, how ‘loverly’ that I got that!” she said.
Ms. Dawson, who regularly volunteers at Cruise Night said, “We had a really phenomenal car show on Aug. 18. We had the School for Rock performing and had an awful lot of their students and relatives and friends there. It was a really huge night on Audrey Avenue.
“At the same time they were doing some filming for a reality show that same night – for Twisted Sister, who was performing.” She was very pleased with the success of the musical aspect of Cruise Night and said, “A lot of people were disappointed when Friends of the Arts went out for lack of funding for the summer tent series. “I was told their Mozart festival is being held at Old Westbury Gardens,” she added.
“It was a great night,” confirmed Austin Azzaretto of Cruise Night fame. He said, “Dee Snyder and Mark Mendosa from Twisted Sister were playing and may be coming back on Sept. 1 when the School of Rock returns. We have the town’s showmobile coming for that night. Dee Snyder’s daughter attends the School of Rock and he usually performs with them, so we expect to have him back too.” That same night, A & E television was there filming. Cruise Night is truly making its mark in the media!
“I’d like to identify the mystery picture as Coe Hall,” said Gloria Grynkorn, adding, “Thanks for doing this, it’s a lot of fun!”
Billy Minicozzi made a good guess, which is actually pretty accurate. He said, “It’s a big house in Upper Brookville” which it actually is. On a sports note, he acknowledged that there is little chance of the Mets making the playoffs this year.
We received a call from The Phantom, who said the picture was of “Coe Hall at Planting Fields. It’s a very nice photo.” It is nice to hear from the Phantom again, we know he is a music lover and enjoys events at Coe Hall and Planting Fields Arboretum Historic State Park. [That’s a mouthful of a name but kind of fun to spill it all out.]
It’s great to hear from everyone and it was great visiting Coe Hall Mansion for their recent Chocolate Fondue & Champagne Reception, where the picture was taken. Lovely things are happening there so put it onto your radar.