
Letter: Still Time to Host a Fresh Air Fund Child

Summer vacation, that special time of year for all children, is upon us and members of the local community still have the chance to make it memorable for a child from New York City! Thanks to the many families in Nassau County and throughout 13 Northeastern states and Canada, more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income neighborhoods have enjoyed free summer experiences in suburban and small town communities through The Fresh Air Fund. The Fund is currently seeking more families to give inner-city children a two-week experience this summer. By volunteering as a host family for the Friendly Town program, a child can have a break from the heat and noise of the crowded city streets.

“Being able to run around and be outside is a freeing experience for her,” says one of our Fresh Air hosts about her Fresh Air child. “I still enjoy watching her face as she takes joys in the simple things, like roasting a marshmallow or jumping into the lake.” Please read about the special experiences of other Fresh Air children and hosts by visiting our website, www.freshair.org, which includes photos, stories, videos and other helpful information.

There are no financial requirements for hosting a Fresh Air child. First-time visitors are six to 12 years old, and reinvited youngsters may participate in the Friendly Town program through age 18.

To learn more about hosting a Fresh Air child this summer, please contact Risa Procton at 516-674-2023, or call The Fresh Air Fund at 800-367-0003 or check out www.freshair.org.

Jenny Morgenthau

Executive Director, Fresh Air Fund