
NewHydeParkIllustrated.com Calendar

Laughter on The 23rd Floor:

Friday, October 29

New Hyde Park Memorial High Homecoming:

Saturday, October 30

Williston Park Ragamuffin Parade/

Pumpkin Carving Contest:

Sunday, October 31

At the Long Island Children’s Museum

New exhibit explores the inside world of toys…timeless toys provide the opportunity to explore science. Ever wondered how an Etch A Sketch works or what’s inside Jack-in-the-Box? Take a peek inside these classic toys and others in the new exhibit Toys: The Inside Story that opened at the Long Island Children’s Museum on October 1. If you’ve been wondering how to stop your toddler’s push toy from making such an infernal racket, you’ll love Toys: The Inside Story, it lets visitors look inside common toys while exploring the basics of pulleys, cams, gears, linkages and circuits. The exhibit consists of 12 components that allow for hands-on exploration and experimentation. Throughout the exhibit visitors can examine the inside workings of classic games such as Operation, Hungry Hippo and a newer classic – Hokey Pokey Elmo.  In the What’s Inside? section of the exhibit visitors can look in detail at popular toys such as Mr. Machine and a Jack-in-the-Box. The Gears at Play section illustrates the effects of gear ratios as visitors figure out how to make the ballerina and carousel spin faster or slower.  The exhibit will run through January 7 and is free with museum admission. All activities will be held at the Long Island Children’s Museum, 11 Davis Avenue, Garden City. Children must be accompanied by an adult.  Museum admission: $10 for adults and children over 1 year old. Under 1 year old free. $9 seniors. Additional fees for theater and special programs may apply. For additional information, contact 224-5800.

Friday, October 29

Laughter on the 23rd Floor Presented by Herricks Community Players

Last weekend to see the  hysterical comedy by Neil Simon, Laughter on the 23rd Floor,  will open on the Herricks Community Center stage, 999 Herricks Road, New Hyde Park at 8 p.m. This is the story about Simon’s days when he was a comedy writer on the 1950s Show of Shows starring Sid Caesar. The comedic actors in this funny play, directed by the multi-talented John Hayes, are: Nick Becce, Michael Chimenti, Rob Gino, Bill Kane, Michelle Mazza, John Mezzo, Barbara Murphy, Gary Pipa and Warren Schein.  Tickets are $22 for adults and $17 for seniors. For tickets and further information, please  call 742-1926.

A Concert to Benefit Autism

New Hyde Park Clerk/Treasurer Patrick Farrell will star in the  Cold Spring Harbor Band as they perform authentic tributes to the Songs of Billy Joel at 8 p.m. at the Jeanne Rimsky Landmark Theater, 232 Main Street, Port Washington. Tickets available on ovationtix.com/trs/pe/849-6465 or call 410-8237.

Saturday, October 30

New Hyde Park Memorial High Homecoming

New Hyde Park Memorial High School will hold its Homecoming to begin at noon.  The students and the floats will assemble on Hillside Boulevard and from there, east on Jericho Turnpike and then north on New Hyde Park Road and turn east on Falmouth to the school on Leonard Boulevard where the game will begin at 1:30 p.m. between Roslyn High School.

Laughter on the 23rd Floor Presented by Herricks Community Players

The hysterical comedy by Neil Simon will open on the Herricks Community Center stage, 999 Herricks Road, New Hyde Park at 8 p.m.  This is the story about Simon’s days when he was a comedy writer on the 1950s Show of Shows starring Sid Caesar.  The comedic actors in this funny play, directed by the multi-talented John Hayes, are: Nick Becce, Michael Chimenti, Rob Gino, Bill Kane, Michelle Mazza, John Mezzo, Barbara Murphy, Gary Pipa and Warren Schein.  Tickets are $22 for adults and $17 for seniors. May also be seen on October 24 at 3 p.m.  For tickets and further information, please  call 742-1926.

Christmas Boutique at 1st Presbyterian Church of New Hyde Park

The 1st Presbyterian Church of New Hyde Park located at 16 South 9th Street, will hold a Christmas Boutique from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Included will be handcrafted items, Chinese auction, White Elephants, deli-take out (or eat-in) food, estate jewelry, Christmas gifts, new items and more.  Refreshments will also be available.  Please call 354-5013 for further details.

Irish American Center to Hold Halloween Dance

The Irish American Center will hold a Halloween Dance, 277 Willis Avenue, Mineola featuring the Tommy Mulvihill Band.  Donation is $20.  Everyone is requested to wear a costume. Prize for best costume and raffles will be included.  For further information, please call 746-9592.

Sunday, October 31

Old Fashioned Irish Dinner Dance

An Old Fashioned Irish Dinner Dance will be held at the Irish American Society, 297 Willis Avenue, Mineola.  Featured will be music by Tommy Henry Band.  Donation is $40 per person. To begin at 5 p.m. with an Irish Ham and Ribs Dinner, followed by dancing from 6 to 10 p.m. Included will be a cash bar. For further information, please call 746-9392,

Williston Park Ragamuffin Parade/Pumpkin Carving Contest

The Villaage of Williston Park will once again hold its Annual Ragamuffin Parade to start at the American Legion Hall, on Willis Avenue,  and then proceed to Park Avenue and on to village hall where, for the first time, the most unique and original carved pumpkin will be judged. Prizes and lots of fun for everyone.

Monday, November 1

Dahlia Club Meeting and Class

At the 7 p.m.  class we’ll learn from each other what worked and what did not work in our dahlia gardens this year so that we can improve our results in 2011. Jon Wooten, of the Connecticut Dahlia Society, will present a  unique, and simple method of storing dahlias at the 8 p.m. meeting. Mid Island Dahlia Society, 7 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Church of the Advent, 555 Advent St, Westbury. Free. Visit midislanddahlia.com or call 631 266-3354 for details. Refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, November 2

Midterm Elections-Be Sure To Vote

From 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at your regular voting place…be sure to vote for the candidates of your choice.  This is your right as an American…exercise it. There will be no school for the children attending the New Hyde Park/Garden City Park Schools or the Herricks Schools.

Wednesday, November 3

Spinners Grinners Laughter Yoga Has Erupted in New Hyde Park

Take time to participate in a series of laughter, breathing and playfulness exercises with many, many health benefits.  You don’t have to be happy, you don’t have to be funny, you don’t even need a sense of humor! Everyone can do this!  No joke! We will not be laying on the floor and no knowledge of yoga is necessary.  All activities are done either sitting or standing.  We meet twice per month, on a Wednesday night (for approx. 1 hr, 10 min.).  Club dates remaining in 2010:   11/17 and 12/15. Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp.  Ages: 13-80. First time try-out charge:  $7.  Flexible membership options available. To attend the laughter yoga club and for further details, contact Rosanne T. Spinner, Holistic Health Coach, at: www.RosanneSpinner.com or call 328-2367

Thursday, November 4

Herricks School Board to Hold Regular Meeting

The Herricks School Board will hold its regular meeting at 7:14 p.m. at the Herricks Community Center, 999 Herricks Road, New Hyde Park.

Monday, November 8

New Hyde Park/Garden City Park School Board to Meet

The regular meeting of the New Hyde Park/Garden City Park School Board will be held at 8 p.m. at Manor Oaks School, 1950 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park.

AARP Chapter No. 5176 Meet at Clinton Martin Park

The AARP North Hempstead Chapter No. 5176 will meet at Clinton G. Martin Park, corner of Marcus Avenue and New Hyde Park Road, New Hyde Park from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. Come join our friendly members for coffee, buns, and hear informative speakers. Our speaker this month will be Commissioner Evelyn Roth, Commissioner of Services for the Aging, Town of North Hempstead. New members welcome. National AARP membership required. Call 334-1390 for more information.

Thursday, November 11

Veteran’s Day Memorial at Village of New Hyde Park

On the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month the members of the New Hyde Park VFW and American will gather on the lawn of New Hyde Park Village Hall to remember those dedicated men and women in the armed  services.  An impressive ceremony…one not to be missed.  All schools will be closed as well as banks and municipalities.

Saturday, November 13

Holy Spirit Rosary Society to Hold Christmas Fair

The Holy Spirit Rosary Society will hold a Christmas Fair at 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.  All new items with many outside vendors, fresh baked cakes and cookies, large basket raffles and a gigantic $1,000 raffle.  Bring the children and take family photos at Keep Christ in Christmas setting or with Santa.  All to take place in the Holy Spirit auditorium at 13 South 16th Street.  For further information, please call 294-9837.

Christ Lutheran Church to Hold Novemberfest

Christ Lutheran Church, 300 Hillside Drive, South, New Hyde Park will hold a November Fest from 6 to 10 p.m.  Tickets are $20 per person and will include wursts, salads, krauts, bread and dessert. Advance reservations only. Please call 746-4889.

Sunday, November 14

Irish Christmas Fair at Irish American Center

An Irish Christmas Fair will be held at the Irish American Center, 297 Willis Avenue, Mineola from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Included will be a multiple of vendors, Irish breakfast, hamburgers, hot dogs, coffee, tea, scones and more.  Entertainment by Tom Deegan and Friends.  For further information, please call 746-9392.

Thursday, November 18

Hillside Library Board to Hold Meeting

The Hillside Library Board will meet at the library, 155 Lakeville Road, New Hyde Park.

Herricks School Board to Hold Regular Meeting

The Herricks School Board will hold its regular meeting at 7:15 p.m. at the Denton Avenue School, Denton Avenue.

Support Group Meeting for Scoliosis Association

The next support group meeting of the Scoliosis Association of Long Island will be held on at 7:30 p.m. at the North Shore Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Lakeville Road, New Hyde Park, New York in the New Teaching Center on the lower level in Conference Room 2. Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings are held under the auspices of the Scoliosis Association of Long Island, not North Shore Long Island Jewish Medical Center.  Please contact JoEllen Hegmann at: scoliosisofli@gmail.com or 935-4534 if further information is needed

Thursday, November 25

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day, a chance to pause and give thanks for all the many advantages and gifts each and everyone has been given.  All schools, municipalities, banks as well as the Illustrated News will be closed.

Friday, November 26

Schools Closed

Most schools in the area will be closed in order to take advantage of an extended Thanksgiving Day recess.

Save the Date

Saturday, December 4

Christmas Tree Lighting at New Hyde Park Village

There will be the annual lighting of the Christmas Tree on the grounds of New Hyde Park Village Hall at 4:15 p.m.  Prior to the tree lighting the New Hyde Park Village Cultural Commission will hold a special event for the children at Marcus Christ Hall, on the grounds of New Hyde Park Village Hall, corner of New Hyde Park Road and Jericho Turnpike, New Hyde Park.