
Veterans Day Ceremony 11-11-11

Veterans Day ceremonies will be held on Thursday, Nov. 11 at 10:45 a.m. at Floral Park Veterans Memorial Park, corner of Tulip and Plainfield Avenues, conducted by the Floral Park American Legion Post.

Members of the American Legion, veterans and members of their family are invited to assemble at Jameson’s Restaurant, 157 Tulip Avenue for coffee at 9:45. The group will then assemble on the Atlantic Avenue Extension and march down Tulip Avenue to Veterans Memorial Park. Step-off will be at 10:45 a.m.

Members of the American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion will participate, according to 3rd Vice Commander Gary Heck, Veterans Day chairman.

Post Commander Jim McDonald, 1st Vice Commander James Whalen, 2nd Vice Commander Roger Levy, Sergeant-at-Arms Ed LaChapelle and Chaplain Peter Fleig, Auxiliary President Toni Reale and Past President Margaret Macdonald will participate.

Music will be provided by Gerry Hanson. Katie Hanson will sing the National Anthem and God Bless America. Joining the veterans on the podium will be Floral Park Mayor Kevin Greene and Village Trustees Jim Rhatigan, Mary Grace Tomecki, Tom Tweedy, Dom Longobardi and Village Justice Doug Hayden.

Assisting with the wreath-laying ceremony will be members of Boy Scout Troops 482, which is sponsored by the Floral Park American Legion. The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Eagle Scout William Cangialosi.

The Prisoner of War/Missing in Action ceremony will be conducted by Life Scouts Jake Early and Nick Longobardi of Boy Scout Troop 482. Taps for fallen comrades will be played by Captain Thomas Engel of the New York City Fire Department. Serving on the Veterans Day Committee are Past Commander and Judge Advocate Bill Corbett and Past Commander Al Trasolini.

According to Floral Park American Legion Commander MacDonald, “The community is invited to join us at Veterans Memorial Park for this solemn occasion when we remember all past and present veterans who have served our country over the years and remember the sacrifices they have made to preserve and protect our way of life.”

“It is fitting that we pause to remember those, the vast majority of whom were citizen soldiers from all walks of life, who gave their time, effort and often more, in sacrifice, to serve their country at the times of its greatest need,” MacDonald added.

“This date has historical significance since the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month was set aside over 80 years ago as the moment of armistice for World War I, to end what was at that time the greatest military trial that mankind had ever endured,” according to Macdonald.

“Since that time,” MacDonald said, “even more horrible events have taken place. But what has remained unchanged was the willingness of ordinary citizens to answer a call to duty, which acknowledged a debt they felt to the liberty they had enjoyed due to the efforts of those who had served before them. We also honor those who are currently on active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan or serving elsewhere protecting the freedom we hold so dear. We especially hope that the families of those away on active duty in the military will join us for the march and ceremonies since those who support them here at home make tremendous sacrifices for all of us.”

The Floral Park American Legion was founded in 1919 and promotes good citizenship and patriotism and seeks to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation, to promote peace and good will on earth, to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy and to help veterans and their families in time need or sorrow.

The Post conducts Flag Day, Veterans Day and Memorial Day ceremonies and provides awards to local school children, supports local charitable and youth organizations and helps veterans and their families in time of need or sorrow.