[Submitted by the Public Information Committee of the Village Board of Trustees].
The village board of trustees adopted resolutions at its public board meeting held on Thursday, Dec.16, 2010, which resolutions are directed to New York state level representatives, requesting them to make changes to state laws and regulations, as well as the collective bargaining process, which severely impact the village’s financial condition and ability to control local taxes.
The resolutions were passed to coordinate the village’s efforts in this area with the statewide call by the New York Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials (NYCOM) and other groups which have recommended ways to provide property tax relief by reducing local government expenses associated with employee pensions, health insurance, and police and firefighter disability benefits.
NYCOM has issued a report entitled, You Can’t Cap What You Can’t Control — Recommendations of the Mayoral Task Force on Mandate and Property Tax Relief. The report identifies necessary reforms to the prevailing wage and civil service laws that would help lower municipal infrastructure costs and provide public employers greater ability to manage their workforce so they can provide services more cost-effectively. NYCOM believes that these mandate relief proposals, primarily in the workforce arena, must be adopted by the State Legislature prior to considering any form of a property tax cap.
A copy of the adopted resolutions are available on the village website: www.gardencityny.net under the subheading Current Issues-Budget Issues.