Go Red for Women
Feb. 4, will mark the seventh annual American Heart Association National Wear Red Day for Women to raise awareness that cardiovascular disease is the number one health threat facing women today. Unfortunately, most people still do not know that heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death for women. These two diseases kill more than 480,000 women in the United States every year; more than the next five causes of death combined, including all cancers. On Long Island, more than 5,600 women die of heart disease and stroke each year.
One of the components of Go Red for Women will be National “Wear Red Day for Women,” on Feb. 4. On Friday, Feb. 4, wear something red — a red dress, tie, jacket, scarf, hat, blouse or shirt. Go Red For Women and show your commitment to reducing risk, improving health and saving women’s lives. Some of the activities planned for this year can be viewed on their website www.americanheart.org and www.goredforwomen.org.
Yield for Pedestrian in Crosswalk
Residents are again reminded of the “Yield for Pedestrian in Crosswalk” signs at the three mid-block crosswalks on Seventh Street between Franklin and Hilton avenues.
State vehicle and traffic law states that motorists must yield to pedestrians who are crossing a roadway within the striped crosswalks. A motorist seeing a pedestrian entering the crosswalk must stop and permit the pedestrian to cross the street. Cars approaching the stopped vehicle from the rear are not permitted to pass.
The Garden City Police Department has been instructed to vigorously enforce these regulations and your cooperation when driving on Seventh Street and Rockaway Avenue near the east entrance to the Middle School will help to make these crosswalks safer for pedestrians.
A word of caution, however, to the pedestrian — do not place undue reliance on the signs or the crosswalks, even though the law requires vehicles to yield the right-of-way — they may not do so.
Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule
The next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees’ meetings will be on Thursday, Feb. 3; and on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 8 p.m.
Will Your Dog Stay?
With the two recent snowstorms please be aware that if your family dog is controlled by an electronic radio signal fence, you might have a problem with the large amount of snow collecting near your sidewalk area. The hidden underground wire might be unable to transmit the proper signal to your dog’s collar and therefore allowing your dog to leave your property.
As a reminder, all dogs in New York State are required to be properly licensed and all rabies certifications must be updated. For more information consult the village website for the new regulations to license your dog in Garden City.
Village’s Website
I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is www.gardencityny.net. For your convenience, listed on the village’s home page under the Heading of Administration is information listing the village administrator along with a Table of Organization.