
It’s All About Education What It Does, What It Costs

It was an interesting week in Oyster Bay. On Tuesday, Feb. 15 the Oyster Bay-East Norwich School District Budget Forum meeting packed the high school auditorium. Parents and students came to express their joy over the school’s staff and how they help the students on their path to success. Young people used Facebook to bring out a crowd. Now the board faces the question of what to do.

Board President James Robinson explained that the board is happy with the success of the district as a result of 10 years of focused work. He also explained the problems the school board is facing now with the proposed property tax cap by Governor Cuomo and the future financial challenges it presents.

The benefits of education were showcased on Saturday, Feb. 19 as Sagamore Hill National Historic Site invited people to attend a book signing by Edmund Morris who just completed the last book of his trilogy on TR called Colonel Roosevelt. Mr. Morris has gained more respect for Theodore Roosevelt after studying his life after the presidency. He now fully appreciates the full depth of his mind and his scholarship.

It was two days of talking about education and the fruits of education here in Oyster Bay. It shows how important education is to all of us. We are both the consumers and the taxpayers that form the system that creates the people who form the country.

We all agree on the importance of education, the country just has to find a way to pay for the greater financial costs for education in this century.